It’ll be a whole other year before fans get to see a second GTA 6 trailer; at least, that’s what a reputable gaming industry insider claims. Nearly an entire decade after playing GTA 5 and one year after Rockstar Games confirmed the title was in development, players finally got an official look at the much anticipated GTA 6 trailer earlier this week.
The trailer confirmed many leaks and rumors about the upcoming open-world game, including the appearance of a female playable character named Lucia and the game returning to the popular Vice City setting. Most of the latest GTA 6 trailer focused on establishing the updated Vice City as a satire of modern-day Florida. Not only this, but fans also compared the imagery of GTA 6’s trailer to real-life photos of the state.
When it comes to the plot, the trailer indicates that Lucia is going to reunite with her potential unnamed boyfriend (who was called Jason in previous GTA 6 leaks) for some crime spree after getting released from prison. The trailer still hasn’t answered many questions regarding GTA 6, and it looks like players might just have to wait quite some time to get more details about Rockstar’s upcoming project.
A popular and reputable insider called Tom Henderson claims that the next GTA 6 trailer might not come out for at least a year. Although he isn’t sure about this, he defends this claim in a recent X post by sharing the previous gaps between trailers for past Rockstar Games titles such as Red Dead Redemption 2 and GTA 5.
He stated that Red Dead Redemption 2’s second trailer was released 11 months after the first, whereas GTA 5 took 17 months (almost a year and a half) before releasing its second trailer. However, another user corrected him by highlighting that it was only 12 months and not 17. Despite this, fans have noted Rockstar’s apparent pattern when it comes to trailer releases, but most are happy to wait for GTA 6’s next look.
On top of this, it’ll take a long time to thoroughly go through the first GTA 6 trailer since it’s so full of hidden details and clues about the game’s plot, like a shot of Lucia wearing an ankle monitor that indicates she might be initially stuck in a specific portion of the expanded map. The launch of the trailer itself has already managed to break a total of three Guinness World Records.
Unfortunately, it’ll be a while before the second GTA 6 trailer comes out, one that's a lot more detail-packed and focused on the story of Lucia and her boyfriend as compared to being setting-oriented. In the meantime, fans have got the first trailer to keep them busy since they’ll be drawing some theories from that for a while now.
Why did the GTA 6 trailer come out sooner than expected?
GTA 6’s first trailer was originally planned to come out on Tuesday, December 5 at 9 AM ET, but due to the trailer getting leaked beforehand, Rockstar Games was forced to reveal it earlier. The developers claimed that they wanted fans to watch the high-definition version of the trailer instead of the leaked and partially obscured version that had a Bitcoin Watermark on top of it.
However, many Rockstar employees were frustrated and angry at being forced to reveal the trailer earlier than planned. Javier Altman, the senior gameplay animator at Rockstar Games, wrote on his X account, "I was hoping to watch this for the first time tomorrow along with my fellow teammates and coworkers. I feel we deserved that moment." However, we’re just glad that it’s officially out now, and we can’t wait for the second trailer to be released!