The journey of the God of Thunder is getting an extension as he is bound for another adventure with Thor 5 confirmed in the most unexpected way. In October, it was speculated that a fifth Thor film might be under development and finally, the truth came out but it comes with an unsettling news, too. Taika Waititi, the director of Thor: Ragnarok and Thor: Love and Thunder reveals that he would not be involved in Thor 5 which means that the movie is, indeed, in the works but it would be taking a new direction.
Taika Waititi rebranded the God of Thunder in a whole new way with Thor: Ragnarok as he took the hero to a comedic spin that the fans loved how Chris Hemsworth's character was given a new take. While Thor: Ragnarok was a huge success, it was quite the opposite for Thor: Love and Thunder as the comedic route did not work the second time around. After the hit-and-miss of the fourth Thor film, Taika Waititi confirms that he will not be taking part in Thor 5.
Speaking with Business Insider during the red carpet for his movie Next Goal Wins, Taika Waititi reveals that he "won't be involved" in Thor 5 which means that he would not be back for the project but in turn, this confirms that there is, indeed, a Thor 5 happening in the future. Despite that, Waititi has no bad feelings with Marvel. Waititi says:
I know that I won't be involved…I'm going to concentrate on these other films that I've signed on for. So that's six, seven years gone. I'd imagine another 'Thor' would be a lot sooner than that…But I love Marvel, I love working with them. I love Chris. I would never feel like they are cheating on me. We're in an open relationship, and it's like if they want to see other people, I'm happy for that. I'd still get back into bed with them one day.
Will Taika Waititi return as Korg in Thor 5?
Taika Waititi played Korg since Thor: Ragnarok as the Kronan warrior from planet Ria that Thor befriended when he was imprisoned in Sakaar. With the confirmation of Taika Waititi not being involved in Thor 5, the fate of Korg remains unknown as well because his statement did not indicate the extent of his non-involvement on whether such would only be restricted to him directing the movie or would it include his role as Korg.
Since his MCU debut, he has been one of the closest friends of the God of Thunder and he even fought alongside the Asgardians during the epic battle against Thanos. His last appearance was in Thor: Love and Thunder where he was crushed into pieces when the God of Thunder met Zeus. Korg is not dead, though. His head survived, thus, he remained alive, proving that there are more races in the MCU that could regenerate its own body after being damaged.
Thor: Ragnarok and Thor: Love and Thunder are both available to stream on Disney Plus.