The Suicide Squad ISEKAI anime recently released a brand-new trailer, bringing together the DC Comics team that is going to find itself struggling in a mystic world. Although the entire group consists of a wide range of people, such as King Shark, Peacemaker, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, and Clayface, there’s one specific character fans haven’t met yet, and that’s the mischievous yet popular Joker.
The Clown Prince of Crime was recently featured in the promotional material of the anime, which has also revealed the voice actor behind the role of Joker. Joker fans would claim that The Suicide Squad ISEKAI is going to give a completely new take on the Harlequin of Hate. From everything we’ve seen so far, it looks like the Joker is featured in the same fantasy world that Harley Quinn and her team are currently fighting in.
However, the most recent trailer follows the Clown Prince of Crime as he discusses the fantasy world, leaving anime fans to think about what exactly his role will be in terms of the very first anime mission of the Suicide Squad. If you want to learn more about Suicide Squad ISEKAI, you can read Warner Bros’ description of the upcoming anime project as follows:
Who’s the voice actor behind Joker?
Credit: Warner Bros. Japan Anime
The Suicide Squad ISEKAI’s Joker is going to be voiced by the popular voice actor Yuichiro Umehara. The actor has a pretty impressive resume when it comes to the anime world and has played parts in series such as JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean, Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War, Demon Slayer, Mashle: Magic And Muscles, Classroom of The Elite, and Goblin Slayer to name some.
Unfortunately, the upcoming anime series hasn’t yet revealed any English Dub cast, even though it looks like there are very few chances of Mark Hamill returning to the role of Joker. Hamill recently said that he had officially retired from the role. However, judging from his past experiences, Yuichiro is more than a suitable choice for the role of Joker and we can’t wait to see how he brings him to life in The Suicide Squad ISEKAI anime!
Suicide Squad ISEKAI anime doesn't have an exact release date yet, but it's confirmed to release in 2024, so expect the production team to reveal more information in the upcoming months.