Marvel’s Loki Producer Hints Season 2’s Episodes 5 & 6 Will Be The Best Ones Yet

Marvel’s Loki Producer Hints Season 2’s Episodes 5 & 6 Will Be The Best Ones Yet

In an interview with Marvel, Loki Producer Kevin Wright talks about Loki's accelarated storytelling and how episodes 5 and 6 will be the best ones yet.

Loki season 2 episode 4 Credit: Marvel / Disney+

The latest episode of Loki season 2 gave fans a very unexpected surprise. This episode had so much tension and buildup that no one could’ve expected it would end the way it did. We can’t imagine where the series will go from here or where the next episode will pick up, but the show’s director certainly has some confidence.

Warning: Spoilers Ahead!

Going into episode four, everyone was hoping that the situation at the TVA would finally get better now that Victor Timely, a variant of He Who Remains, is finally here. When he died instantly, everyone watching had the same reaction as the show’s characters, which was shock and disbelief. We are shown that the Loom’s explosion supposedly kills everyone as the episode ends on Loki’s hopeless expression.

Loki Producer Says Episodes 4 and 5 Will Be The Best In the Series

In an interview with, Kevin Wright, the producer for Loki Season 2, spoke about the decision to show such a big moment so early on in the series. According to his point of view on the show, having such an accelerated story-telling catches the viewers off-guard and makes them think about what will happen in the upcoming episodes. Wright said:

What we always like to do in all of the scripts, and in all of our storytelling, is that thing you think is going to happen in Episode 6, or could happen in the finale or towards the end, what happens if we move that forward? What if we just accelerate all of the storytelling, hit it early. One, it'll be super shocking that it happened as early as it does. And two, it allows the filmmakers to kind of flex a different part of their brain which goes, OK, I thought that was going to happen later. What happens after that? What do we do now if we've got two episodes going forward? It forces you to think about where we go now and what we do. It lets it go to really surprising and unexpected places.

He went on to say how good the last two episodes of the show will be. He said episodes 5 and 6 are “maybe the two best episodes of the series."

"I think that's the beauty of Episodes 5 and 6. If people liked Episode 4, I genuinely think 5 and 6 are maybe the two best episodes of the series. They're beautiful, and they're profound. They're deeply moving. And we only get to go there because of that story acceleration."

The fact that he has so much confidence in his words makes us Loki fans even more excited and hopeful that Marvel isn’t going to mess up the finale of such a crucial series. As many of you are aware, Marvel hasn’t been doing well in recent TV shows. The most recent example in this is Secret Invasion, whose finale managed to become the worst-rated MCU episode ever.

Given how the show is currently going and the way Kevin Wright praises the upcoming episodes, it is safe to say that Marvel is planning to fully deliver on fans’ expectations with Loki season two. With the stakes so high and so many lives at risk, we can’t wait to see what Episode 5 will have in store for us!


Loki Season 2 Episode 4: Miss Minutes Finally Reveals Renslayer's Shocking Secret

New Loki season 2 episodes come out on Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

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Shizza Khalid (531 Articles Published)

Armed with a laptop and a whole lotta creativity, I am your daily dose of shocking news and surprising facts.