The Marvel actor recently opened up about his struggles when it came to alcohol addiction and the problems he had to face because of it. Tom Holland mentioned that he felt as if he was “enslaved” by it before he decided to give up drinking in 2022.
He explained the troubles alcohol had been causing him in the past and how every decision of his was based on that one aspect of his life only. He was always craving a drink and admitted that the major reason behind his addiction was the line of work he was in.
In an interview with Jay Shetty, Holland said, “I’m happy to say it — I was definitely addicted to alcohol. I’m not shying away from that at all. It’s interesting. I didn’t one day wake up and say, ‘I’m giving up drinking.' I, just like many Brits, had a very, very boozy December. I’ve always been able to drink a lot.”
“All I could think about was having a drink,” he further added. “I was waking up thinking about it. I was checking the clock, when’s it 12 PM?. It just really scared me.”
Finally, in 2022, Tom Holland decided to give up drinking for Dry January and made up his mind to continue doing so until his birthday later that June.
The actor admitted that by the time June arrived, he was pretty happy with himself and his life, he could sleep peacefully and handle his problems better. He also mentioned that he could also easily deal with the things that would go wrong on set that would usually set him off. He admitted that he had better mental clarity and felt healthier and fitter.
Holland’s newfound peace made him question why he should continue drinking and how obsessed he is with the idea of a drink. In the interview, he went in depth regarding the reasons behind his alcohol addiction, further explaining that there was tons of pressure because of the nature of his work.
The actor admitted that he would go to work events and wasn’t able to fully enjoy himself till he had a couple of beers in him because of the immense pressure he felt.
Holland got his ticket to fame through MCU’s Spider-Man, making an appearance in Captain America: Civil War before being a part of his own trilogy, starting with Spider-Man: Homecoming. It has been a year and a half since the Marvel actor has been sober, and he explains that this is the best he has felt in a while.
He also mentioned that once the health benefits started kicking in and he felt like himself, he wished never to be that person again. He also expressed his gratitude, saying that if he could encourage someone to drink less, then that would be great.