Reiji Miyajima, the creator of Rent a Girlfriend manga, has another romantic comedy series getting a TV anime adaptation, and it's titled The Shiunji Family Children. Today, the series, which is scheduled to begin broadcasting this year, kicked off a series of character trailers introducing the siblings, and the first one on the list is big sister Banri (voiced by Chika Anzai).
The TV anime adaptation was announced in February 2024, and it previously confirmed that Oshi no Ko animation studio Doga Kobo is in charge of the animation of The Shinuji Family Children. We can expect maybe five or six more character trailers to come out as as we get closer to the anime's premiere. Get to know the orange-haired eldest sibling in the first character trailer for The Shinuji Family anime below:
Ryouki Kamitsubo (Hidamari Sketch) is directing The Shinuji Family TV anime adaptation, and Noboru Kimura is composing the series. Mikio Muto is in charge of the character designs, while Akki, Ginga Hoshino, and Shota Horie are the anime's music composers while PHYZ is on music direction duties.
The main Japanese voice cast of The Shinuji Family Children includes:
Yuichiro Umehara as Arata Shiunji
Chika Anzai as Banri Shiunji
Marika Kono as Seiha Shiunji
Rie Takahashi as Oka Shiunji
Kana Ichinose as Kotono Shiunji
Hana Hishikawa as Minami Shiunji
Chiaki Kobayashi as Shion Shiunji
Previously, the cast of the anime were revealed in the first teaser trailer released in August 2024:
Check out the first teaser visual for The Shinuji Family Children anime:
Credit: © Reiji Miyajima, Hakusensha /”The Children of the Shiunji Family” Production Committee
What is The Shiunji Family Children about?
The Shiunji Family Children manga series Reiji Miyajima has been serialized in Hakusensha's manga magazine Young Animal since February 2022. At the time of this writing, four volumes have been published in Japan. Yen Press, which licensed the manga in English, shared a description for Volume 1 of the romantic comedy series:
As for Miyajima's other romantic comedy series, it was announced that the Rent-a-Girlfriend anime has been renewed for a fourth season, and that it will adapt the Hawaii Trip arc of his manga series.