With less than a week until the premiere of Suicide Squad ISEKAI anime, Warner Bros. Japan has released the opening animation for the series, which is scheduled to premiere internationally on June 27, 2024 (Japanese broadcast begins on July 5 JST). The anime will be available to stream on Max and Hulu in North America, and HBO GO in Southeast Asia. The opening animation features Harley Quinn and her notorious team in slow motion animation, and song is titled Another World by Tomoyasu Hotel.
In addition, four voice cast members were announced, including Hochu Otsuka as The Thinker, Shizuka Ito as Enchantress, Taro Kiuchi as Killer Croc, and Yoji Ueda as Rat Catcher. Suicide Squad ISEKAI is directed by Eri Osada at Studio Wit, with Naoto Hosada and Akira Amano (Psycho-Pass) in charge of the character designs. Eiji Umehara and Tappei Nagatsuki are in charge of the screenplay while Kenichiro Suehiro is composing the music.
Suicide Squad ISEKAI Cast
The updated Japanese voice cast of Suicide Squad ISEKAI are listed below:
Anna Nagase as Harley Quinn
Yuichiro Umehara as Joker
Reigo Yamaguchi as Deadshot
Takehito Koyasu as Peacemaker
Jun Fukuyama as Clayface
Kimura Subaru as King Shark
Taku Yashiro as Rick Flag
Chika Anzai as Katana
Kujira as Amanda Waller
Reina Ueda as Fione
Mamiko Noto as Aldora
Jun Fukushima as Cecil
Hochu Otsuka as The Thinker
Shizuka Ito as Enchantress
Taro Kiuchi as Killer Croc
Yoji Ueda as Rat Catcher
What is Suicide Squad ISEKAI about?
Suicide Squad ISEKAI will feature popular anti-heroes/supervillains from the DC Comics series that was modernized by John Ostrander after its main characters made their debut in The Brave and The Bold comics from the 1950s. The anime will feature Harley Quinn and her infamous team of criminals, including Deadshot, Peacemaker, Clayface, and King Shark as they are sent into a fantasy world where they will face enemies they've never encountered in the DC universe before.
You can check out the official synopsis for Suicide Squad ISEKAI:
Source: Press Release