The final episode of Secret Invasion is finally out and it certainly delivered on two important details in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Home finally introduced the MCU's most powerful hero and it's not who most people had expected. In addition to that, we finally learned the truth about the real James "Rhodey" Rhodes.
WARNING: The following contains Secret Invasion Episode 6 SPOILERS so proceed with caution!
In the previous episode, Nick Fury finally decides to confront Gravik after learning that he is after the Harvest, a collection of every superpowered being's DNA from the Battle of Earth. However, he did call for reinforcement before the meeting.
Interestingly, Fury confronts Gravik on his own in Secret Invasion Episode 6, infiltrating New Skrullos and offering the Harvest in exchange for the Skrulls leaving Earth to find a new planet of their own. However, Gravik refuses and enhances himself with the DNA before attempting to kill Fury with his new powers.
Except, it isn't Fury. As it turns out, G'iah had exchanged places with Fury and gained new powers along with Gravik. It is revealed that G'iah's new powers include those of Mantis, Drax, Scarlet Witch, and even Captain Marvel. She uses her new powers to defeat and kill Gravik, putting an end to his rebellion.
Meanwhile, the real Fury worked with Sonya Falsworth to trick Rhodey into evacuating Ritson out of the hospital. They successfully expose that he is actually the Skrull Raava and Ritson calls of the nuclear strike on New Skrullos. This allows G'iah to retrieve the humans trapped under New Skrullos, including Everett Ross and the real Rhodey.
Ross himself is shocked to realize that Rhodey had been in New Skrullos with him and asks how long the latter had been down there. G'iah seemingly answers his question by confirming that Rhodey has been there for a long time. Although it was not confirmed in the finale, it is believed that Rhodey was taken soon after the events in Captain America: Civil War.
It's an explosive conclusion for Secret Invasion that also teased the future with the newly powerful G'iah. Falsworth later convinces the Skrull to work with her in helping the other Skrulls after Ritson declares war against the aliens. With that in mind, it was a truly amazing rollercoaster ride but the finale could have been longer (just sayin').
All six episodes of Secret Invasion are now streaming on Disney+.