Loki Star Owen Wilson Teases Agent Mobius' Fate In Season 2

Loki Star Owen Wilson Teases Agent Mobius' Fate In Season 2

Owen Wilson promises fans that they will learn more about Agent Mobius in Loki Season 2!

The official poster of Loki featuring Tom Hiddleston. Credit: Disney Plus

Secret Invasion is now officially out on Disney+, which means Loki Season 2 is next to release on Marvel Studios’ list. In the show, fans can expect to see a handful of familiar faces, including Agent Mobius M. Mobius, a character played by Owen Wilson.

Unfortunately for fans, Owen Wilson refuses to speak much about his role in season 2 of Loki’s next few episodes. However, during his interview with Comicbook.com, he did say that fans can expect a deeper look into the life and upbringing of Agent Mobius, answering questions we have been wondering about since the first season. Now, it looks like fans' wishes have been answered!

This image features Agent Mobius Credit: Marvel Studios

Speaking about Loki, Owen Wilson shared how he was extremely fond of his character in the show and the entire series. He also expressed his fondness for this MCU story, going as far as to say that it was among some of his all-time favorite projects.

During his interview, Wilson said,  "I thought I would have a good time, but I really enjoyed it. I've been lucky working on a million movies and always having a good time, but on that one, I had a really great time, and that continued on Season Two."

After that, the actor went on to discuss a little bit about Season 2 of Loki, revealing that the spotlight will once again be on Agent Mobius in a way that will help fans understand him better. He said, “Maybe even more so because we were filming in London and being there at Pinewood, but yeah, [his story] just goes deeper."

As of right now, we are unsure if Loki Season 2 has any plans of addressing Mobius, considering the cliffhanger on which Season 1 ended.

Agent Mobius (Owen Wilson) and Loki (Tom Hiddleston). Credit: Marvel Studios

Loki Season 2 is set to release on October 6, 2023, on Disney+. Fans looking to catch up on the previous adventures of Loki can stream Season 1 on the same streaming service.

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Shizza Khalid (531 Articles Published)

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