More than a year ago, the whole manga world was shocked as My Hero Academia killed off one of the main characters of the series in a literal heart-shattering death. Now, the manga defies all odds as it brings Bakugo Katsuki back to life. How exactly did this happen baffled everyone who follows the narrative.
Much to the surprise of everybody, My Hero Academia Chapter 362 broke everyone's hearts as it witnessed the death of Bakugo Katsuki in the hands of Shigaraki who punched a hole through the hero's chest. In whatever angle you look at it, it was a certain death for Bakugo or whoever would receive that strong of a blow from Shigaraki. However, My Hero Academia does not stop there with shocking the readers of the manga.
For 434 days, Bakugo Katsuki was officially dead but My Hero Academia made the impossible possible. The beloved manga brought Bakugo back to life, however, that does not mean that he just got up from death. Bakugo's life meant the loss of another.
How did My Hero Academia bring Bakugo back to life?
Warning: This portion contains spoilers for My Hero Academia. Read at your own risk.
My Hero Academia Chapter 403 marks the return of Bakugo Katsuki! As shocking as that may sound, the manga series just brought someone from death after more than a year. While many are in celebration of his ultimate come back, there's one hero to thank -- Edgeshot.
The fatal blow from Shigaraki may have totally ruptured the heart of Bakugo but someone so selfless and heroic sacrificed to keep Bakugo alive. Edgeshot possesses a unique quick called Foldabody. Edgeshot used his quirk to enter Bakugo's body to make something similar to a thin surgical suture and from there, he carefully repaired the heart of Bakugo from inside. With a positive side on bringing Bakugo back to life, that meant Edgeshot would have to sacrifice himself because to stretch his body that thin would severely affect his life span and it will mean that he fades away while doing the repair of what Bakugo has lost.
While My Hero Academia Chapter 403 did not disclose what Edgeshot did to Bakugo, Chapter 405 finally revealed how Bakugo was brought back to life. In the said chapter, Edgeshot comes out of Bakugo's body and he revealed that he used his own self to repair the broken organs and innards together, and kept himself intact at the same time. However, every breath of Bakugo will remain a "hellish agony."
The big twist in Chapter 405 is that Edgeshot was not the sole reason how Bakugo came back to life. While he was the one who patched the hero back to his full form, his first efforts to restore Bakugo's heart and lungs failed. Edgeshot revealed that when he was about to give up on Bakugo and lay him to rest, Edgeshot noticed a bead of sweat through the bloodstream of the hero and that single bead helped him bring Bakugo to life. It turns out Bakugo's will to live kept him alive as well.
A true hero from within, Bakugo fought for his life and now, he's prepared for the end! Welcome back to the land of the living, Bakugo Katsuki!
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