Fluffy Paradise, one of the isekai anime fantasy series premiering in early 2024, has released a new trailer alongside an exact premiere date: January 7. Animation studio EMT Squared is in charge of the animation, and Jun’ichi Kitamura is directing the anime based on the light novel series Isekai de Mofumofu Nadenade Suru Tameni Ganbattemasu (I’ll Try My Best So I Can Pet and Pat in Another World) written by Himawari.
The trailer showcases the cute visuals of the anime's all-you-can-pet fantasy, and it features the opening theme titled Cotton Days by Sizuk, so if you're interested in a family-friendly isekai story with fluffy creatures involved, check out the teaser trailer below:
Here's the main key visual for Fluffy Paradise:
Credit: Himawari, Yuriko Takagami/ Futabasha / EMT Squared
The Japanese voice cast of Fluffy Paradise anime includes:
Ai Kakuma as Nema
Shūichiro Umeda as Ralph
Toru Furuya as Dale
Taketora as Las
Genki Okawa as Wilhelt
Shinichiro Miki as God
Kenji Nomura as Sol
Tomoaki Maeno as Shinki
What is Fluffy Paradise about?
Futabasha has been serializing Kitamura's light novel series with illustrations by Kiouran since July 2016, and as of today, there are 15 volumes in circulation. The series also received a manga adaptation by Yuriko Takagami, and the same publisher has been serializing it since November 2017, and there are currently 11 volumes. The amount of cumulative copies of both the light novel series and the manga adaptation has surpassed 2 million copies in circulation.
NA: Cross Infinite World, the English language publisher of the light novel series, described the story of Fluffy Paradise:
For more information about Fluffy Paradise, check out the official website of the anime.