Star Wars Fans File Lawsuit Over Knights of the Old Republic 2 DLC
Gaming Star Wars

Star Wars Fans File Lawsuit Over Knights of the Old Republic 2 DLC

The Star Wars players are suing Saber Interactive and Aspyr Media over canceled Knights of the Republic 2 DLC!

a screenshot taken from Star Wars Knights of the Old Republican 2: The Sith Lords Credit: Aspyr Media/Nintendo

An angry player has filed a classic action suit against both Aspyr Media and Saber Interactive, the two companies behind the development of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2. After this, many others collectively joined in on the lawsuit against the companies. The two companies are currently facing a lawsuit over the game’s canceled DLC that won’t ever be introduced to the Nintendo Switch version now. The lawsuit claims that both the developer and publisher “falsely represented” the game as a product that would receive the Restored Content DLC originally advertised for it before those plans were shut down.

This particular lawsuit was filed back on July 8, with Saber Interactive and Aspyr Media now having time till October 4 to issue a response. The lawsuit, Mickelonis et al. v. Aspyr Media, Inc. and Saber Interactive, Inc., with Mickelonis being the main plaintiff. The suit is also filed on “behalf of all others” who were affected by the lack of DLC for Knights of the Old Republic 2.

The suit is a way of forcing the game’s creators to "immediately cease and desist from selling and distributing KOTOR with the deceptive and false advertising." In case you’re wondering why Saber Interactive and Aspyr Media were sued in the first place, then we’ll have to go all the way back to when the Nintendo Switch version was announced. The DLC that was going to be released was supposed to be content cut to play the game and was called “Restored Content.”

Apart from having the ability to conveniently play the game whenever on Switch, another major feature of that game’s version was being able to play the content itself. However, in June, Aspyr announced that the DLC wouldn’t move forward with the plans, so no DLC will be coming at all. The statement said, "Sadly, we are announcing that the Restored Content DLC for the Nintendo Switch version of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords will not be moving forward for release."

To apologize for the canceled DLC, gamers were also given the option to redeem a “complimentary video game key” for yet another Star Wars game. However, that option did not work at all for the players who decided to go for the lawsuit.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 Lawsuit

What’s ironic is that the main plaintiff, Mickelonis wasn’t even a player of the Knights of the Old Republic 2 game. However, he was going to become one and even purchased the game with the intention of waiting until the launch of the Restored Content DLC, as per the suit. You can read what the documents read below:

"Plaintiff felt completely duped and was upset because he had relied on Defendants' representations that the Restored Content DLC would be released for KOTOR. In fact, Plaintiff did not even play KOTOR after purchasing it, instead choosing to wait until the Restored Content DLC was released. But Defendants never did. Plaintiff would potentially be interested in purchasing other games with Restored Content DLC from Defendants in the future if they have the advertised content, are not deceptively advertised, and accordingly priced at fair market value without being artificially inflated due to the deceptive advertising."


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The lawsuit continued to go after Saber Interactive and Aspyr Media for "misleading, deceptive, fraudulent, and intentionally false advertising." So far, no conclusion has been reached, and the suit is still ongoing, with the court waiting for the companies’ response!

About the author

Shizza Khalid (531 Articles Published)

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