Rurouni Kenshin, a cherished anime series, has faced a tarnished reputation due to the legal troubles of its creator Nobuhiro Watsuki. Originally introduced in 1994, the historical adventure earned acclaim in the anime industry. However, the recent revelation of Watsuki's involvement in child pornography has cast a shadow over the franchise's legacy.
As Rurouni Kenshin returns to television with a reboot by Liden Films, it is also making its way overseas with an English dub. However, the voice actors for the new series have taken a proactive stance against the tarnished reputation of the franchise. Howard Wang, who portrays Kenshin Himura, had already announced his commitment to donating a portion of his earnings to charities dedicated to combating the exploitation of minors. Now, his co-star Bill Butts is taking his lead and doing the same.
Butts, who voices Hajime Saito in the new anime, confirmed his involvement in Rurouni Kenshin on his official X account. In the same post, the voice actor revealed that he had donated part of his pay from working on the anime to the Child Rescue Coalition, an organization that works against human trafficking.
"I'm aware of the crimes of the author and do not condone or support his actions at all. Which is why a lot of us are donating portions of our sessions to charity," Butts wrote.
The Truth about Rurouni Kenshin Creator Nobuhiro Watsuki
The controversy surrounding Watsuki surfaced in November 2017 when Japanese authorities discovered child pornography during a raid on his Tokyo office and residences. Subsequently, Watsuki faced legal charges and was fined $1,500 USD in February 2018. Despite these legal troubles, Watsuki resumed work on Rurouni Kenshin with the Hokkaido arc.
While his reputation in Japan may have remained largely unaffected, international fans of Rurouni Kenshin have been significantly disillusioned after learning about the creator's criminal activities. The voice actors' charitable contributions aim to address these concerns and contribute positively to the series' reception abroad.
The Rurouni Kenshin anime is currently on its 20th episode that introduced Dr. Elder who has been treating the poor. In the latest episode, Kenshin Himura learns that Dr. Elder is actually a woman and that there is an assassination attempt on the doctor.