After the end of the Wano Country Arc, Toei Animation is ready to explore the Final Saga of Eiichiro Oda’s One Piece. When the anime returns with Episode 1086, it will feature the beginning of the Egghead Arc, and the series has now dropped its official trailer, featuring a futuristic Luffy and the Straw Hats—far different from their appearance on the high seas. You can check the preview below:
Albeit short, the trailer gives a good look at Luffy wearing a red suit while Zoro and Sanji are sporting black coat and a floral polo shirt, respectively. The next scene shows Nami and Nico Robin in their sexy white and black bodysuits, followed by a glimpse of Chopper, Usopp, Brook, and Jimbei in their colorful attires.
As the next sequence features them all together, Luffy can’t help but be stunned by everything sees on Egghead Island, from a giant robot to the punk records and other types of machinery. “Wow! What is all this stuff?!” he exclaimed. For the last scene, a stunning Dr. Vega Punk is revealed, along with the new arc, officially titled Egg Head Arc, starting date: January 7, 2024.
Credit: Eiichiro Oda/Toei Animation
What is Egghead Arc about?
Also called the Future Island Arc, the Egghead Arc will see the aftermath of the Levely, the Raid on Onighashima, and the erasure of the Lulusia Kingdom. These events caused a major global shift that could lead to a worldwide war. The Straw Hats then found themselves on the mysterious, futuristic island of Egghead, where the genius Dr. Vegapunk lives. However, after learning about Vegapunk’s study about the Void Century, the World Government dispatches a team of CP0 to assassinate the scientist as betrayal and intrigue lead to a Marine siege that will turn into something bigger that will surprise the world.
You can read the synopsis below:
Credit: Eiichiro Oda/Toei Animation
The beginning of One Piece’s Final Saga hints at the nearing end of the anime adaptation of Oda’s masterpiece. But as it may take a long while before its story will be completely told, fans can still enjoy seeing Luffy and the rest of the Straw Hats on the small screen.