New VALORANT Mod Brings an OG Call of Duty Mode To The Game

New VALORANT Mod Brings an OG Call of Duty Mode To The Game

A creative VALORANT player recently built a version of VALORANT that features the iconic Call of Duty Zombies!

Call of Duty Zombies Credit: Activision

Call of Duty is famous for its epic crossovers, such as the latest one with The Boys. However, VALORANT is one game that they haven't collaborated with yet, and as of right now, we aren’t sure if Riot Games plans on doing a collaboration with any game. But there is one fan who has decided to do it all themselves. They are making the FPS game to pay homage to one of the most infectious and exciting modes that come to memory.

Fan Introduces Call of Duty Zombies In VALORANT Mod

A user on Twitter known as definitelyfeta, is the mastermind behind the clever design of merging both VALORANT and Call of Duty into one. Basically, they took the world of VALORANT and all of its elements and merged it with the iconic Call of Duty Zombies game mode.

In the video they shared, they highlighted the components of both games, revealing that the game was completely built on Unreal Engine 5. It makes use of the exported Uiana map to build a Zombies mode on top. The video also shows that players have the ability to buy a Quick Revive soda for themselves, along with a Vandal from the chalk on the wall, similar to the way they do it in CoD.

The character can be seen shooting and slicing the zombies in half across the small area that is made more prominent by lightning strikes and archaic technology. Considering how iconic Call of Duty Zombies is and how rumors regarding Treyarch’s beloved arc getting its very own standalone game never really go away, we are excited to know that CoD fans have found a new home in VALORANT. It’s an epic game concept that players would definitely enjoy playing, but unfortunately, there is some bad news.


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VALORANT x CoD Zombies Might Never Be Playable

Feta has replied to many tweets, confirming that players won’t be able to play the exciting VALORANT and CoD Zombies crossover. One player asked if they could try it out, to which the creator confirmed, "Unfortunately, I can't directly release this anywhere, or I risk being hit by both Activision and Riot," which is fair enough.

Being attacked by one company would be terrible enough, but both Riot and Activision at the same time? We definitely don’t blame the developer for being cautious and keeping the game under wraps. It truly is sad that we won’t get the chance to try this concept since it does look like great fun!

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Shizza Khalid (515 Articles Published)

Armed with a laptop and a whole lotta creativity, I am your daily dose of shocking news and surprising facts.