While the GTA community was still munching on the first-ever Grand Theft Auto 6 trailer, Rockstar Games decided to push out a major update for GTA Online. This update introduces new features to the game, including a new purchasable property, new missions, and more.
Given that GTA Online is responsible for bringing Rockstar Games a big chunk of their revenues, it is no surprise that the company is still regularly pushing out updates for the game even a decade later. Available on all platforms, the 1.68 update brings a new Salvage Yard property to the game that players can purchase to complete its missions. Other than this, Rockstar has also made a ton of changes to its online activities, such as daily challenges, creator tools, etc.
Adding a new layer of adventure for GTA Online players, the Salvage Yard now allows players to perform robberies, tow truck services, and other related missions. Owners of the salvage yard property will be able to complete three multi-part robbery missions each week, which will include stealing vehicles to save or sell for a profit.
Speaking of vehicles, Rockstar has added more of those to the online game too. So if you ever feel that you have some empty space in your garage, you can fill that up with new vehicles. Here are the complete patch notes for Grand Theft Auto Online version 1.68.
GTA Online Update 1.68 Patch Notes
The Chop Shop update adds a new business property, Salvage Yard Robberies missions, new vehicles, Drift Racing, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S exclusive features including animals in Freemode, a range of experience improvements, creator additions, and more.
Salvage Yard
Purchasing this business provides access to a range of Salvage Yard Robberies, a Tow Truck Service, and other features
Each week, Salvage Yard owners can complete three multi-part Freemode Salvage Yard Robberies: scoping and planning to steal highly prized vehicles that can be sold or salvaged for a profit
Salvage Yard owners can purchase a Tow Truck, providing access to a Tow Truck Service where players collect abandoned cars and take them back to be salvaged over time
Completing Tow Truck work also temporarily increases the rate at which the Salvage Yard generates passive income
Salvaged vehicles are stripped for parts over time inside the Salvage Yard. Upon completion, players will receive a payment
This property will come with new Awards as well as Career Progress Challenges on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S consoles
Drift Races
Players with a Los Santos Car Meet membership will gain access to a range of Drift Races, where you aim to score the most points by chaining drifts together, narrowly avoiding obstacles, and building up score multipliers
Drift Races can be accessed via a new series blip on the map or from the Race Organizer inside the Los Santos Car Meet
These races make use of custom Drift-Tuning upgrades for 7 existing vehicles and 1 new vehicle:
Declasse Drift Yosemite (Muscle)
Declasse Drift Tampa (Sports)
Annis Remus (Sports)
Annis Euros (Sports)
Karin Futo GTX (Sports)
Annis ZR350 (Sports)
Dinka Jester RR (Sports)
New Vehicle - Fathom FR36 (Coupe)
These Drift-Tune upgrades can be applied to the above personal vehicles in Freemode while inside the Los Santos Car Meet
Eleven new vehicles have been added:
Grotti Turismo Omaggio (Super) – With Imani Tech
Vapid Aleutian (SUV) – With Imani Tech
Declasse Vigero ZX Convertible (Muscle) – with HSW Upgrade (PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S only)
Karin Vivanite (SUV) – with HSW Upgrade (PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S only)
Fathom FR36 (Coupe)
Vapid Dominator GT (Muscle)
Declasse Impaler LX (Muscle)
Karin Asterope GZ (Sedan)
Vapid Stanier LE Cruiser (Emergency)
This police cruiser is unlocked for purchase after completing The Gangbanger Robbery scope out mission
Vapid Unmarked Cruiser (Emergency)
This unmarked police cruiser is unlocked for purchase after surviving a 3-star wanted level for 5 minutes
Police Riot (Emergency)
This riot van is unlocked for purchase after naturally losing a 4/5-star wanted-level
New Weapon
One new Weapon has been added, which is available for purchase from the Gun Van and Agency Armory
Battle Rifle
150+ pieces of male clothing and accessories have been added to clothing stores
150+ pieces of female clothing and accessories have been added to clothing stores
1 new male and 1 new female hairstyle has been added to barber shops
32 new unisex tattoos have been added to tattoo parlors
Ambient Animals on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S consoles
Ambient animals have been introduced to Freemode for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S consoles
Ambient animals can be enabled or disabled in the Creator for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S consoles
Daily Challenges Update
Daily Challenges replace the existing daily objectives located in the Interaction Menu and now contain a range of new challenges
Character Birthday Gift
Players will now receive a gift in the game on their character’s birthday (creation date). These gifts will be given retroactively
GTA+ Updates
The Vinewood Club Garage
GTA+ Members will gain access to a new garage with space for 100 vehicles
If a player’s GTA+ membership expires, any vehicles inside The Vinewood Club Garage can still be accessed and stored, however, they will be unable to replace or add any additional vehicles to the garage
Experience Improvements
Players on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S consoles now have access to a Vehicle Organization section in the Interaction Menu, allowing them to easily move owned vehicles between garages
The Interaction Menu has been updated, making the most used functions easier to access
Weapon pickups in Freemode have been updated with new locations and weapons to find
Players can now add custom garage tooltips to each individual floor of the Eclipse Blvd garage
Reduced transition time between modes when playing in a Playlist or Series
Rank restrictions for purchasing all throwables have been removed
The Los Santos Car Meet specification service is also now available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One
Players will now gain Los Santos Car Meet reputation when starting a private takeover
Jukeboxes inside player properties can now play any radio station
Pursuit and Street Races have had their Los Santos Car Meet reputation gains increased by 20%
Players registering as a CEO/VIP/MC President for the first time via a “Register as Boss” prompt in Freemode can now name the Organization/MC
The Up-N-Atomizer is now disabled when inside interiors to prevent players from getting stuck
Voice chat now defaults off on console platforms. This can be switched on by navigating to Pause Menu > Settings > Voice Chat > Voice Chat Enabled
Player Reporting and Player Created Job Reporting options have been updated. This can be accessed by navigating to Pause Menu > Online > Players > Report Player or Pause Menu > Online > Jobs > Report Job
Options have been added to restrict the display of in-game phone text messages to friends and crew only or completely to block all texts from other players. This can be accessed by navigating to the Pause Menu > Online > Options > Player Text Messages
Creator Updates
Several updates have been added to the Creator as part of this update
Players can now preview weather options while inside the Creator
Players can now block different weather options from appearing as options in lobbies while inside the Creator
Race Creator
Players can now place units inside the Race Creator, these are new scenarios that can consist of people and vehicles
A race starter to signal the start of a race
A crowd of 6–8 people in different positions
A stationary vehicle
Police roadblocks of different sizes
Race crowd roadblocks of different sizes
A triggered driver that drives in a straight line when a player gets in range
A stationary clone of the race Creator’s Personal Vehicle
New options have been added to the Race Creator and lobby screens to allow players to customize the layout of the starting grid according to the following criteria:
Most/Least races played
Highest/Lowest win ratio
Highest/Lowest position on leaderboard (appears only during a playlist)
Four new catchup options have been added to the Race Creator and Race lobbies, allowing hosts to adjust their desired catchup rate
Players can now choose from six ambient traffic levels while in the Race Creator
Players can now allow GTA mode when creating a Stunt Race
Players can now block people from exiting their vehicle while in a GTA Race
Players can now disable the wrong way indicator
Players can now lock the time of day for a Race
While testing a Race in the Creator, players can now see what their current checkpoint is
Tall checkpoints have been added to all Race Creators
An option has been added to Race Creators to disable the race start boost
Catchup and Slipstream can now be disabled for specific checkpoints; this can be used to ensure jumps are landed more consistently
Deathmatch Creator
A new option has been added to set the number of teams in a Deathmatch to the intended default
A new option has been added to the End Conditions menu, allowing inactive teams to go to the bottom of the leaderboard
Prop Additions
Road smoothing props have been added
Colored and graffiti traffic cone props have been added
A range of painted sign props have been added
Plastic and metal barriers have been added
The Chop Shop update brings a range of fixes to various issues
Game Stability and Performance
Fixed multiple crashes and issues affecting stability that occurred in GTAV
Matchmaking and Networking
Fixed multiple issues that affected network stability in GTA Online
Fixed an issue that resulted in Strike Teams being called on players who are currently scoping out Cayo Perico
Fixed an issue that resulted in The Pacific Standard Job not ending when the escape dinghy was destroyed
Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck in a loading screen upon entering the elevator during Data Leak – Nightlife Leak
Fixed an issue that resulted in incorrect parachutes appearing during Junk Energy Skydiving activities
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to enter the Avenger during LSA Operation – Direct Action
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to deliver the EMP during LSA Operation – Whistleblower
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to progress after being killed during LSA Operation – Whistleblower
Fixed an issue that resulted in the Operations Terminal appearing black during Project Overthrow – Reporting for Duty
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to access the Avenger turrets during Project Overthrow – Reporting for Duty
Fixed an issue that resulted in players not being able to request their Avenger when far away during Project Overthrow – Falling In
Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting kicked from Avenger when entering the hold during Project Overthrow – Falling In
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to swap between map views while inside the server farm during Project Overthrow – Unconventional Warfare
Fixed an issue that resulted in the mission not progressing after entering the avenger hold during Project Overthrow – Unconventional Warfare
Fixed an issue that resulted in Avi Schwartzman getting stuck while leaving the server farm during Project Overthrow – Unconventional Warfare
Fixed an issue that resulted in guards inside the server farm not being alerted if players entered after having alerted the outside guards during Project Overthrow – Unconventional Warfare
Fixed an issue that resulted in players spawning on the ground after exiting the Avenger during the HALO jump section of Project Overthrow – Unconventional Warfare
Fixed an issue that resulted in players spawning under the map after restarting Project Overthrow – Unconventional Warfare
Fixed an issue that resulted in Charlie’s airstrike not occurring during Project Overthrow – Shock & Awe
Fixed an issue that resulted in players falling under the map when spawning during Assault on Cayo Perico
Fixed an issue that resulted in the Assault on Cayo Perico mode not progressing properly
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being kicked to Story Mode during Assault on Cayo Perico
Fixed an issue that resulted in players entering the Assault on Cayo Perico mode by themselves
Fixed an issue that resulted in RP rewards for the Assault on Cayo Perico mode being capped at a lower than intended amount
Fixed an issue that resulted in players not being directed to their owned Weed Farm after recovering supplies from a Gang Convoy
Fixed an issue that resulted in players starting a Sell Cargo mission with a higher than intended wanted level
Fixed an issue that resulted in Agent ULP not following players during The Bogdan Problem – Rescue ULP
Fixed an issue that resulted in a text message not being localised during Casino – Strong Arm Tactics
Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck on a black screen when entering the casino during The Diamond Casino Heist Finale
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to launch a Bike Service delivery from their Clubhouse
Fixed an issue that resulted in The Doomsday Heist’s planning screen appearing blank
Fixed an issue that resulted in the Acid Lab setup mission blip still appearing after the player has already purchased a functioning Acid Lab
Fixed an issue that resulted in the compound not loading during the Cayo Perico Heist Finale
Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck on the lobby screen when launching First Dose – Welcome to the Troupe
Fixed an issue that resulted in the player’s Personal Vehicle changing color after a quick restart when playing First Dose – Make War not Love
Fixed an issue with police spawns during the final sequence of the Last Dose – BDKD
Fixed an issue with the closing cutscene during VIP Contract – Don’t Fuck With Dre
Fixed issues that resulted in players not receiving a prompt to send a photo to Ghosts Exposed
Fixed an issue that resulted in the player’s Personal Vehicle not being blipped when playing the tutorial on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S
Fixed an issue that resulted in the delivery truck moving erratically when completing a Nightclub Source Goods mission
Fixed an issue that resulted in players gaining an unexpected wanted level when the Police Rescue Random Event starts nearby
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being moved out of bounds when inspecting the head of security during The Cayo Perico Heist Prep Mission – Safe Code
Fixed an issue that resulted in players who are passengers in another player’s Taxi getting kicked out unexpectedly
Fixed an issue that resulted in players finishing in the wrong position during a Random Weapons Deathmatch
Fixed an issue that resulted in the victory screen persisting into subsequent races when playing RC Bandito Races
Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck in place when investigating a Los Santos Slasher clue
Fixed an issue that resulted in the radio not playing during Short Trip – Seed Capital
Fixed an issue that resulted in players seeing an incorrect cutscene play when completing Short Trip – Fire It Up
Fixed an issue that resulted in crates appearing unexpectedly during a land-based Sell Cargo mission
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to progress the Repo – Burn Rate mission
Fixed an issue that resulted in the Insurgent turret being difficult to aim during The Data Contract
Fixed an issue that resulted in Buried Stashes not resetting for players to collect again
Fixed an issue during Bomb Ball that resulted in entries in the leaderboard appearing empty
Fixed an issue that resulted in no briefcase appearing after blowing open the rear doors of an Armored Truck
Fixed an issue that resulted in players having incorrect blips on the map when launching Junk Energy Time Trials
Fixed an issue that resulted in the F-160 Raiju jet moving erratically during the entry cutscene when entering a hanger damaged
Fixed an issue that resulted in players not receiving customer bikes for their MC Clubhouse Bike Service
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to access their Bunker laptop
Fixed an issue that resulted in no elevator doors appearing inside the Agency property
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to modify vehicle trim color inside the Arena Workshop
Fixed an issue that resulted in the QUB3D arcade cabinet being invisible inside the Auto Shop
Fixed an issue that resulted in players appearing under the map when joining a job from inside the Hangar
Fixed an issue that resulted in Hangars not appearing for purchase on Maze Bank Foreclosures
Fixed an issue that resulted in vehicles moving erratically when swapping between display vehicles inside the Hangar
Fixed an issue that resulted in trade-in values of properties being inconsistent if players purchased upgrades with the initial purchase or separately afterward
Fixed an issue that resulted in players not receiving the notification that "the maximum number of CEOs and VIPs has been reached in this session" when registering as a CEO via the Hangar's computer in a session that already has the maximum number of CEOs and VIPs
Fixed an issue that resulted in players entering a broken state when launching a land-based Source Cargo mission from the Hangar laptop
Fixed an issue that resulted in PC players having conflicting buttons when modifying a vehicle inside the Facility
Fixed an issue that resulted in planes and jets being abnormally difficult to destroy with bullet damage
Fixed an issue that resulted in bumper mods for the Penaud La Coureuse not persisting when joining a new session
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to request their Avenger when joining a new session
Fixed an issue that resulted in the Vapid Speedo Custom Personal Vehicle acquired from Career Progress challenges disappearing from the Nightclub garage
Fixed an issue that resulted in the Vapid Speedo Custom’s rear wheels floating in the air
Fixed an issue that resulted in the incorrect renovation cost appearing for the Avenger on Warstock
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being charged a repair fee when modding the Buckingham Weaponized Conada inside the Hangar
Fixed an issue that resulted in the top and bottom turrets on the Volatol clipping into the player’s view
Fixed an issue that resulted in players seeing a prompt to drop mines when remote controlling the Penaud La Coureuse
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to take cover against the Police Riot when it was dirty
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being prevented from using the Machine Guns on the Avenger
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to enter the F-160 Raiju on foot
Rockstar Games website branding has been updated
Players can no longer email each other in-game
Fixed an issue that resulted in the tint on the Tactical SMG changing when changing the tint on the Micro SMG
Fixed an issue that resulted in BMXs rotating during stunt jumps
Fixed an issue that resulted in players completing Casino Missions on Hard difficulty using only pistols and not progressing the relevant Career Progress challenge
Fixed an issue that resulted in proximity mines equipped to the Vapid Speedo Custom not functioning
Fixed an issue that resulted in SMG skins resetting when interacting with the Gun Van
Fixed an issue that resulted in the Tier 4 Project Overthrow challenges not updating upon mission completion
Fixed an issue that resulted in the Tier 4 Adversary Modes Career Progress challenge not progressing upon playing the Assault on Cayo Perico mode
Fixed an issue that resulted in the Tier 4 Import/Export Career Progress challenge not listing the Collectors names
Fixed an issue that resulted in the Tier 2 Diamond Casino Heist Career Progress challenge not completing
Fixed an issue that resulted in Display Text Chat settings appearing on consoles when text chat only appears on PC
Fixed an issue that resulted in the Contractual Obligations Award logo having a spelling error
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to view bookmarked Jobs in-game or via the Rockstar Games website
Fixed an issue that resulted in players having a negative amount of Body Armor
Fixed an issue that resulted in pedestrians on benches appearing in different positions for players in the same session
Fixed an issue where the ‘Lick My Acid’ Award was not unlocking when expected
Fixed an issue that resulted in personal vehicles requested from the Mechanic appearing far away from the player when in the Terminal and Buccaneer Way areas
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to use the Los Santos Car Meet Specification service
Fixed an issue that resulted in players not being awarded Los Santos Car Meet Reputation after their vehicle was specified by another player
Fixed an issue that resulted in the radio wheel displaying incorrectly for passengers when using Station Favorites
Fixed an issue that resulted in players not having access to subscription options in the GTA+ settings menu
Fixed an issue that resulted in GTA+ stickers not appearing for different sections of the Landing Page
Fixed an issue that resulted in some Career Progress challenges descriptions cutting off in non-English languages
PlayStation Specific
Fixed an issue that resulted in an abnormally long load time for players accepting an invite from another player while on the PlayStation 5 home screen
Xbox Specific
Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck on an ‘Initializing’ screen when entering The Diamond Casino & Resort while in a Crew session
Fixed an issue that resulted in the game crashing when suspended while on the HDR calibration screen
Fixed an issue that resulted in a player blocked via the Xbox guide still receiving Organization invites from the player that blocked them
PC Specific
Fixed numerous issues relating to stability and security
Fixed an issue that resulted in changes made to ‘Vehicle Health’ while inside the Deathmatch Creator not persisting when the mode was published
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to open the weapon wheel when testing a Deathmatch if they had previously tested a race in the same session
Fixed an issue that resulted in some prop options in the Race Creator appearing blank
Fixed an issue that resulted in button prompt information not appearing when editing a previously published Open Wheel Race
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to place a trigger while creating a Last Team Standing mode
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being able to view leaderboards for Survival modes that were not Rockstar-created
Fixed an issue that resulted in menu options appearing blank while using Creators
Fixed an issue that resulted in a green weed filter being applied over the screen
Fixed an issue that resulted in Neon Lights always being active despite them being off when recording a clip
Fixed an issue that resulted in vehicle lights and afterburner effects missing from exported clips
What might happen to GTA Online when GTA 6 comes out?
Given how popular the online mode of Grand Theft Auto 5 is, GTA 6 will also most likely feature an online game of itself. However, they can’t just directly shift all the current players to the next game since players have a lot of progress and many long hours put into their GTA Online game.
The game developers might have to come up with a clever way to encourage players to transition to the next online game. Otherwise, GTA 6 online might end up competing with the current version of the game. Either way, our only option right now is to wait and see what happens.