A TV anime adaptation of Shirohi's Gorilla no Kami Kara Kago Sareta Reijō wa Ōritsu Kishidan de Kawaiigareru (English: The Lady Blessed by the Gorilla God Is Adored by the Royal Knights) manga series has been announced today, September 24, which is celebrated as World Gorilla Day. The anime is confirmed to premiere in 2025. Further details about the upcoming romance fantasy anime's cast, staff, animation studio, and release date will be announced at a later date, but manga artist Mika Kamisu has shared a celebratory illustration to commemorate the exciting news.
Credit: Mika Kamisu
Series creator Shirohi shared a statement regarding the Gorilla no Kami TV anime adaptation:
Illustrator Kamisu Mika also expressed gratitude in their comment:
What is Gorilla no Kami about?
Credit: © 2025 Shirohi, Kamisu Mika / KADOKAWA / “Gorilla no Kami” Production Committee
The romance fantasy anime is based on the Gorilla no Kami kara Kagosareta Reijou wa Ouritsu Kishi-dan de Kawaigarareru web novel series written by Shirohi, which began serialization online in August 2020 on the Shōsetsuka ni Narō website. No printed version of the novel has been published yet, but the series received a manga adaptation with illustrations by Mika Kamisu, and Kadokawa has been publishing it on its ComicWalker manga website since August 2021. Five tankobon manga volumes have been published at the time of this writing.
Set in a world where 16-year-olds receive blessings from various animal gods, Gorilla no Kami's story centers on Sophia, the timid daughter of a noble, who receives the blessing from the "Gorilla God", giving her the ability to lift over 500 kilograms. Although all she desires is a peaceful life, people seek her out due to her incredible power, leading her to becoming scouted by the royal knights.
You can check out the announcement from the Gorilla Kami's official X account below: