X-Men '97 Showrunner Makes a Big Reveal About Wolverine & Morph's Scene in Season 1 Finale

X-Men '97 Showrunner Makes a Big Reveal About Wolverine & Morph's Scene in Season 1 Finale

Beau DeMayo confirmed fans' speculation about Morph's feelings for Wolverine in X-Men '97.

X-Men '97 Season 1 Finale Credit: Marvel Studios Animation / Disney+

The X-Men ‘97 Season 1 finale took fans on an emotional roller coaster ride. It not only excited viewers for what was coming but also made them fear for the X-Men's future. But if one thing thrilled the audience more, it was the emotional scene between Wolverine and Morph. Now, showrunner Beau DeMayo makes a big reveal about the two mutants’ endearing scene before the series' first season officially ended.

DeMayo took on X to discuss the X-Men ‘97 Season 1 finale. One of the scenes he addressed was when Morph transformed into Jean Grey while looking after Wolverine, who was on the verge of death after Magneto ripped his adamantium from his skeleton. Despite having a hard time breathing, Logan whispered Jean’s name.

Though this made Morph sad, he said, “She can’t say it, but I can.” From there, disguised as Jean, Morph confessed to Logan. “I love you, Logan. Stay with me,” he said. As many wonder what it means, DeMayo confirmed it was a confession of love.

“Yes, Morph was confessing romantic feelings for Logan,” he tweeted with a GIF of Logan and Morph eating together.

The series creator continued to explain this further in the comments. He revealed that though Morph used Jean’s identity to comfort Wolverine and hear those words from the woman he loved, he did it because he was in love with Logan.

In fact, he also confirmed that Wolverine and Morph’s scene where the latter brought beers and turned into Sabretooth wasn’t an accident. Add that to their shower scene where Morph asked Wolverine if he needed help getting the " hard-to-reach places,” and the show has been screaming that Morph likes Logan all along. This has been fans' speculation, and DeMayo just confirmed it.


­JP Karliak Wants Morph and Wolverine to Stay Friends in X-Men ‘97

Morph has formed a close relationship with Wolverine. Wolverine is the closest person Morph has to a best friend, and Logan describes him as “the only person that could make him laugh.” With this tight bond, Morph voice actor JP Karliak wants his character and Wolverine to stay as the best buddies in X-Men '97.

“It’s kind of meh to me! I think it’s so much more interesting that they love each other like they’re Frodo and Samwise, and that’s great,” he told Polygon. “It doesn’t need to be more than that. And they can support each other.”

He also addressed Morph and Wolverine’s tender moment in the X-Men ‘97 Season 1 finale. If DeMayo had found it to be a confession of feelings, it would have been more of Morph wanting his friend to move on for Karliak.  

“It makes Morph razzing Wolverine by turning into Jean Grey so much less about like, ‘Oh, I’m jealous, so I’m gonna, like, razz you about your girlfriend who I hate,’ and more about, ‘Hey, buddy, I think this is harmful for you, and I just want to point this out, that maybe you need to move on,’” Karliak pictured.


X-Men '97 Season 1 Finale: Where are Storm, Morph & Wolverine?

DeMayo’s big reveal about Morph receives mixed reactions on social media. Though many have noticed his feelings for Logan, some believe it’s just brotherly love, which Karliak supports.

All episodes of X-Men ‘97 Season 1 are now available on Disney+.

About the author

Jonnalyn Cortez (1413 Articles Published)

Jonnalyn is a book lover who discovers Netflix and gets stuck on the couch watching all day. If she’s not busy writing about her favorite fandoms, she plays with her Star Wars-inspired-named dogs, Chewie and Wookie.