Popular Rapper Wishes To Play This MCU X-Men Character

Popular Rapper Wishes To Play This X-Men Character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

This famous rapper wants to play a mutant in the upcoming MCU reboot of X-Men!

Bishop X-Men Credit: Marvel Comics

With the MCU reboot of the X-Men releasing in the next couple of years, many are wondering which actors and actresses are going to be cast. If Marvel decided to feature more of Bishop in this X-Men reboot, then the rapper Method Man seems to be interested in auditioning for the role once he gets the chance. The rapper showed interest in the idea of playing the mutant’s role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s reboot of the franchise. Method Man also revealed that he’d be okay if someone else gets the role or even if it went to the actor who played him nine years ago.

Method Man admitted to Cassius that he wanted to play the role of Bishop in the upcoming MCU interpretation of the X-Men but added that the original actor who played the mutant did and would also do a pretty good job of portraying the character.  You can read his entire response below:

“I was just putting it out there to see if I could hook something. Those guys at the MCU, they know their stuff. I haven’t had any problems with any of their casting choice so far. So whoever gets the job… I think Omar Sy did an excellent job as Bishop, but that was before MCU. If they chose him again, I think he’d kill it. There’s a few people out there. But if they’re willing to give me a shot, I’d go for it. Plus, I’ve done all the research already.”

The character Bishop was only featured once previously in the original X-Men movie franchise since he was among some of the few mutants left who hadn’t been killed. He was captured by the Sentinels in the apocalyptic future that was set in X-Men: Days of the Future Past. As can be seen in the film, his powers indicate that the mutant could easily absorb any type of energy that’s thrown his way and then direct it back. Unfortunately, Bishop was killed in his successful efforts to put a stop to the Sentinels before they rewrote the past to make the future better.

Bishop might not be featured in the upcoming MCU reboot since he isn’t what comes to mind when Marvel fans think of X-Men. On the other hand, the previous film franchise featured the fan-favorite Gambit just once during its 19-year-long run, and it happened to be in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. If Bishop ends up being featured in the reboot, then there’s a high chance that Method Man might just get the part due to his strong acting resume.

Moreover, the rapper has also appeared in other superhero media in the past, such as Luke Cage, so it wouldn’t be completely odd to cast him as Bishop. Apart from casting or not casting Method Man for the role of Bishop, MCU already has a lot on its plate considering the way they take the X-Men reboot because they are handling Marvel’s biggest franchises while also attempting to introduce some brand-new material out of it.


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Regardless of the fact that the X-Men films did not reach the mark when it came to quality, they did introduce subjects that were quite deep for the MCU. However, that might end up giving the franchise the very boost it needs in order to get its fans into the whole X-Men movies again. However, we should forget about this reboot for a while since it’s going to be a long time before it releases.

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Shizza Khalid (531 Articles Published)

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