The anime adaptation of Makoto Kudo's My Awkward Senpai manga series has been announced today. The newly-opened official website and X (formerly Twitter) account have revealed the upcoming anime's first teaser trailer and visual along ahead of its 2025 premiere. The rom-com anime's production staff, casting of casting of Lynn (Miorine in Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury) as Azusa Kannawa, and a commemorative illustration were also revealed along with the announcement.
Here is the first key visual for My Awkward Senpai anime:
Credit: Makoto Kudo, Square Enix / “My Awkward Senpai” Production Committee
Studio Elle (The Healer Who Was Banished From His Party, Summoned to Another World for a Second Time) is producing the animation for My Awkward Senpai, with Ayumu Kotake as the director. Mio Inoue is in charge of the script and series composition, Kenro Tokuda is on the character designs, and Koji Fujimoto is composing the anime's music.
The commemorative visual was illustrated by Makoto Kudo, the mangaka of the series:
Credit: Makoto Kudo
What is My Awkward Senpai about?
My Awkward Senpai is based on the rom-com manga by Makoto Kudo. The series initially started as a webcomic published on Kudo's X account in March 2019, and Square Enix began its serialization on its Young Gangan manga magazine in December 2019.
MangaUP!, which publishes the official English version of the manga, shared a plot description for My Awkward Senpai:
For more information about the upcoming anime, visit the official website of My Awkward Senpai.