Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Feature Includes Random Interactions Between Miles and Peter
Gaming Marvel

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Feature Includes Random Interactions Between Miles and Peter

Insomniac Games recently talked about a new feature in Marvel's Spider-Man 2.

peter parker as spider-man Credit: Insomniac Games/Sony

One might think that the other Spider-Man goes on vacation while the other is busy fighting crime in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, but as it turns out, that’s not the case. Insomniac Games recently confirmed that Peter Parker and Miles Morales will be able to interact with each other in the upcoming much-anticipated game.

The Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 animation director, James Ham, recently talked to Gamertag Radio and revealed that a unique feature will be coming to the game. Through this feature, gamers can encounter the other Spider-Man character while controlling either Peter or Miles. When players control one of the two heroes in the game, the other becomes a powerful NPC they can encounter while simultaneously accomplishing other tasks on the game’s world map.

While swinging around the newly expanded city of New York and Brooklyn, one might find themselves seeking the other Spider-Man’s help, which they aren’t controlling. However, the developers haven’t yet revealed how this feature might affect combat encounters, but they did reveal a team attack mechanic that allows Peter and Miles to use their own abilities in collaboration with each other for some really powerful special moves.

After Marvel’s Spider-Man and Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, the Marvel Universe in Insomniac only has two people swinging all over the city as Spider-Man. This has led plenty of fans to wonder about this particular feature and how it would play out in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. Some rumors did suggest that the game might feature two-player co-op gameplay during missions or might just allow gamers to switch between the two web-slingers.

The developers have finally answered the question in Sony’s initial gameplay trailer for the game, revealing some transitions between story missions that feature either Miles or Peter and allowing gamers to switch between the two while in the middle of the action. This mechanic is sort of similar to the GTA 5 character-switching dynamic, in which each character completes the story mission that progresses the game’s main plot and their own personal storylines.


Is Venom a Playable Character in Marvel's Spider-Man 2?

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is set to release on October 20, 2023, exclusively on PlayStation 5, so players can have all their questions answered then.

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Shizza Khalid (515 Articles Published)

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