Fortnite players were really looking forward to this week’s Tuesday after Epic Games previously revealed that two new weapons and some content would be introduced in the battle royale game. Unfortunately, that particular content did not launch, and the alerts regarding the gear were eventually dropped by the game, until now. That brand-new content has finally been introduced in the game, if only a little later than was originally planned.
Along with the content, the game has also launched three different Reality Augments and two new weapons, so players can head over to the battle royale Island and explore the gear. Although similar to most of the volatile and brand-new pieces of gear that are introduced to Fortnite, players won’t be able to use the new weapons in the competitive mode of the game.
For the majority of players who usually prefer sticking to normal games, they can go ahead and test out the latest weapons and augments that have been added to the game. Fortnite also revealed some new information last week and this week regarding each item that was released in the game.
Latest Fortnite Reality Augments
Explosive Surplus
Players can add even more explosions when explosions are just not enough in a match with this reality augment. Once the Explosive Surplus Reality Augment has been activated, players can instantly get some rocket ammo, and once this augment is activated, the containers they open will always contain rocket ammo. You can pair up the Sticky Grenade Launcher, which uses rocket ammo, with this Reality Augment in order to become a real threat to your opponents.
Storm Chaser
The Storm Chaser Reality Augment decreases the amount of Energy players waste while running. This energy waste will be further reduced once players are present in the Storm. If chasing or sprinting away from the Storm just isn’t enough, the Roaming Redeploy Reality Augment has also been unvaulted, so activate that whenever you gain some immunity to fall damage.
High Voltage
In order to instantly get a Business Turret and Shield Breaker EMPs, players should activate the High Voltage Reality Augment. Once this Reality Augment is activated, the kills you get will grant you some additional Shield Breaker EMPs.
Recent Fortnite Weapons
Sticky Grenade Launcher
The Sticky Grenade Launcher fires projectiles that can easily stick on surfaces, so there’s nothing standing in your way once you go robbing. After a couple of moments, these projectiles will explode, damaging any nearby structures and opponents. You can get your hands on the Sticky Grenade Launcher from Chests, a flying drone, Holo-Chests, claiming a POI, or Heist Bags.
Shield Breaker EMP
A Shield Breaker EMP can damage multiple enemy shields and can also disable electrical systems, such as laser grids, cameras, and turrets for a short time. However, one should be careful when dealing with these since they also have the ability to stop vehicles. Players can find Shield Breaker EMPs from Heist Bags, the ground, and Chests. So, head over to the game and test out the abilities of these epic new Reality Augments and weapons!
Fortnite is available to play on Switch, PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5, and Mobile.