Ahsoka, played by Rosario Dawson, made her debut in the Star Wars franchise through the famous animated shows Star Wars: Rebels and The Clone Wars. However, it was The Mandalorian that marked the character’s live-action debut, in which she appeared for only two episodes. Now, the character finally has a whole series after her, and who better to play it than Rosario Dawson?
In addition, many other popular characters from Star Wars: Rebels will be featured in the upcoming Star Wars series. When it came to producing Star Wars: Ahsoka, both Dawson and creator Dave Filoni turned their heads to Gandalf the White from Lord of the Rings for inspiration. In an interview with EW, the Ahsoka star shared that her connection to Gandalf, which was initially teased at the end of Rebels, will be explored. You can see her full response below:
Ahsoka’s Journey In The Series
Credit: Lucasfilm/Disney+
With Star Wars: Ahsoka, Dave Filoni, Rosario Dawson, and the entire team have the opportunity to finally put the spotlight on Ahsoka and help her grow. Similar to how Gandalf transforms from Gray to White, Ahsoka also turns from a respectful Jedi to a Ronin-like Force user, who ends up purifying twin red lightsabers to gain two ultra-rare white lightsabers.
In the Rebels series finale, when Ahsoka appears in front of Sabine Wren with a cloak and staff, that’s when fans can see the real connection of the character to Gandalf the White. However, Dawson did mention that not all gray of Ahsoka has been discovered yet, and much is left to be explored.
Watch the trailer for Ahsoka below:
Star Wars: Ahsoka is set to release on Disney+ on August 23, 2023.